
Latest reviews

Dean A.:

Good afternoon, Mr. Malyshev. I received the helmet today. Many thanks. many thanks as well for the buttons and the belt buckle. Sincerest Regards Dean

Jamie G.:

Jamie G.

Several wonderful relics arrived today from Stalingrad Front in Volgograd. I want to thank Dmitriy for the opportunity to add these truly fascinating yet tragic reminders of the horror of Stalingrad to my collection.

Carlos M.:

Just received my medal and must say a big thank you for your fast service and the totally unexpected gift of the german dogtags!!!!! I love the medal, the dogtags and the service provided. You won a constumer for life. Will buy my next medal this week!


First two helmets arrived today thank you for a first class service would highly recommend.

George P.:


Mail call! 😃 From Russia with love... Box arrived from Stalingradfront.com today.@stalingradfront Two ground dug German WW2 M40 helmets, with free gifts thrown in! Thanks guys!

Daniel K.:

Dear Dmitriy, I have good news. The item arrived today. Thank you for all your assistance and the item is great my father will enjoy it.


The Helmet arrived today, Christmas Day. Many thanks this is just perfect. Fast shipping as well. I much appreciate the buttons and the magnet. What a very nice personal touch. Indeed a class act all the way. I would highly recommend anyone to buy with confidence. Thank you so much.

Fabrizio B.:

Hi Dmitriy, Finally the package arrived I am very happy !!!!

Felix K.:

Hi friend, helmet is mine and in my hands! I am happy with the helmet 100 % and will buy the next ohne from your page. Fast shipment in 10 days. Thank you for honestly purchase =) Have a nice evening, merry christmas with your family and happy new year my friend. I will contact you if i see next helmet i want buy..

Ross M.:

Good morning I just wanted to thank you again for the items the package arrived a few days ago. Everything made it here perfectly thanks again my dad will love this gift!

Bammens M:

Packet well received, beautiful pieces, certifications nicely made, quick response to emails, super service, hope to go along one day on a quest with Dmitriy and friends

Ricardo Gonçalves:

Hello. Received today. Many thanks...all perfect.

Skyler C.:

Wanted to let you know that I received the package today. Again I thank you for the great business! Once I get everything set up I'll send you a picture

Patrick C:

Recieve two helmets, quick post, very happy, Highly recommend :)


I tre elmetti sono arrivati Semplicemente Stupendi!!!!!!


Very good offer & contact :) offer according to the shipment received :) We will recommend Your offer to my friends.

Jean-Gabriel Racine:


New object in my private collection. Good service,nice communication and fast shipping. I will buy again with you this is sure. Thank you so much!

Arch S.:

Hello! The pack have arrived today. All is ok, thank you.

Timothy Rose:

I met with this Gentleman in Volgograd. He was very informative and fun to be with! Wish I could have spent more time with him.Highly recommend him to deal with......and he has a sense of humor!!

The administration's response: I was also glad to meet you! I hope we still have time to dig together!


After days to clear the parcel, I finally received the merchandise!! Italian bureaucracy! Great job, awesome helmets and thanks for the gift!! A greeting from Italy and good work! Thank you, Antonio


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