
Latest reviews

Mike Corson:

Recieved my Panzer Skull and tab today. Fast shipping, great communication and great items. This is my second item I bought from you and certainly not the last. Honest and always great customer service. Thank you for another great experience sir.

Berkley Alcorn:

I ordered a battle-damaged helmet for my collection. I am very pleased with it and glad to be holding such a great piece of history directly from the people that found it on the battlefield. I will definitely buy more from Stalingradfront soon.


Hello, I received the helmet today in good order. I am very pleased with it and thank you for everything. I hope to buy more from you again soon!


The Helmet arrived safe today. Amazing piece, thank you!


U.s customer here, had two great transactions with this business, these guys have the best helmet relics. Always a pleasure dealing with!!


Ordered quite a few things and all I can say is wow! Only took a few weeks to arrive considering Christmas time too. Honestly perfect and il definitely be back soon!


My friends. The two helmets I ordered arrived safe and sound today. As usual - I was most pleased. I shall continue to promote your shop via my quite considerable network of friends and fellow collectors. Thank you. GB


Hi! The package has arrived and the items are cool! Thanks for that and for the gifts! A question: did you use oxalic acid cleaning in case of helmets already or should I try it? Thanks, Zsoca


Got the helmet in today. Thank you very much. Very happy with it. Great communication during the process. That was really appreciated.


Hello i receive the helmet today, im very happy, thank you!


Greetings, esteemed custodians of history and heritage. We are writing to express our profound gratitude and admiration for the extraordinary gift of a World War II helmet, a relic of immense historical significance. Receiving this artifact, a silent witness to the monumental Battle of Stalingrad, fills us with awe and deep respect for the sacrifices made during that pivotal chapter of history. The Battle of Stalingrad, as we know, marked a turning point not just in the Second World War but in the struggle for humanity's future. It stood as a testament to resilience, courage, and unity in the face of overwhelming adversity by the Russian people. In this spirit, we wish to send a heartfelt message to the people of Russia. May we honour the memories of those who came before us by working together for a future defined not by conflict, but by harmony, mutual respect, and the shared pursuit of a better world. Thank you Stalingrad Team - you did an excellent job in getting the helmet here.

relics ww2


Buckles arrived today. So exciting. My hands were shaking the whole time I opened the package. Such a wonderful piece of history. I wish they could tell their stories. Also a huge thank you for the "B" pins. Thanks again for the fast shipping. I look forward to future business. Take care my friend


Hi Guys! THX, the helmet arrived 2 days ago - looks great! See pic. - Thanks, Steve



received Buckle outstanding many thanks


Look what i got yesterday evening, so happy with it. Even the box it came in was great, lots of cool cyrilic writing, could only make out "Moscow" 😀 Thank you for a smooth deal and great communication. Cheers


salvatore reale:

Hello! my little collection of italian and german helmeth from Russia. Best regards Salvo.



Hello It arrived safely today! Thank you so much. Best wishes


all the helmets have arrived. They are very beautiful. Thank you for your patience and availability. Best regards. Salvo

Brett :

I have received my entire order. Thank you for all of your help, Have a good day.


Hello stalingradfront , A have receive the 2 helmets from your great shop . Thanks for the good journey of my package. Best Regards for Stalingradfront Team 👍

 Dieter DC

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