

New relics with battle damages
Wehrmacht Buckle with battle damage and helmets...
4 new Wehrmacht helmets with decals
4 new Wehrmacht helmets with decals
We was back from digging in Stalingrad
What did we find in German trash hole?
New war badges of 3 Reich
Badges was found at the site where after the surrender there was a camp for German prisoners of war.
New badges on StalingradFront.com

New badges on StalingradFront.com

New Wehrmacht helmets from Stalingrad
Already available for sale! One new helmet was found in the river!
New lots on StalingradFront.com
3 Buckles "Gott mit Uns", Wehrmacht helmet with decal (120 USD), Wound badge
Our team is back from digging!
Relics of the 3 Reich which just yesterday were found at the Stalingrad earth already available for sale!
4 new cheap Soviet helmets
The price of helmets with liners is only 40 USD
First digging in Stalingrad by clients StalingradFront.com team
The guys were very happy with the result of digging in Stalingrad
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