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Good morning, Helmet arrived this morning👍🏻

Darren Krause:

Hi Guys, the helmet arrived today very well packed.... Another perfect transaction..... Thank you and Stay Safe Darren...


I received my parcel today ! the items were intact ! thank you so much!


Hello SF Just letting you know parcel with 6 Catholic pendants from the Stalingrad area arrived today! They are all so fascinating and each has it's own story to tell! They are SUPERB!!! Thank you also for the free items. A dated canteen cap and a small train medal! They too are treasures in their own right! Thank you again, and as always, God Bless, Dave


Items have arrived. Very happy. Thanks Neil


Just wanted to let you know I received my package today and it looks great. Thanks for the extra gifts too.


Greetings SF! Just received on Saturday parcel #EE********RU WOW!!!! 2 Beautiful infantry assault badges, 1 General assault badge, and 1 NSKK Hat eagle plus all the neat little extras that you kindly threw in. It has been 2 days and I still am fascinated by all of these historic items that are staring back at me as I sit at my desk. A thousand thanks to you for making this happen. Take Care and God Bless, Dave


Hello guys, I finnaly received the ordered item. It was worth the wait. Thank you for the gift. I wish you good sales and a dream summer


I have received the latest package, this is to just inform you of its arrival thank you very much and I hope you are well.


Hi SF Crew! The winter camo Hungarian 35M helmet just arrived today, thanks a lot - looks great! Best wishes, Steve. PS: I've attached a photo.



Hello Stalingrad front, finally received my package due to really long mail delays. I thought it was lost for sure. But Luckily that wasn't the case. Thanks again for the corrected certificate. I give your people a ( 5 STAR RATING). Thanks again

WW2 explorer:

Hi there, StalingradFront. This week my order has been delivered! Nice items with a trace-able history. Thanks, and keep up the good work! Greetings,


Thanks much. The items arrived today and are all in good shape. All the best,

Andrew Cucullu:

Originally was skeptical of purchasing a helmet online but caved in and purchased a relic SS helmet. After receiving it I had it sent off to be verified on its originality by SS helmet collector guide author Kelly Hicks and he believes in its originality. Overall very happy with the purchase.


The best military shop on the web +++++ Thanks a lot!


After much eager waiting parcel #RO*******RU has arrived! The 2 Wehrmacht belt buckles are truly AWESOME and hard to let out of my hands! There is nothing that can replace the feeling of authenticity that an individual feels when getting an item from Stalingrad Front! The only thing better was that totally one of a kind panzer badge that came with the buckles. After all the depressing news one hears on a daily basis, this is a refreshing and joyful break from monotony and a brief escape into the pleasure of ones historic hobby. Thank you also for the extras that you threw in. You completely made my day. Thank you and God Bless, Dave


Hi Guys - the package arrived 2 days ago, thanks a lot for the gifts. Sending some pics... Best wishes. Steve



Second package received!! Hello! I received the second package yesterday. Great medal and thanks again for the extras.


Thank you for the helmets. Excelent itmes, and thank you for the gift.

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