
Articles about Stalingrad battle

Aviation Stalingrad

Aviation Stalingrad

 "It is very, very difficult to properly assess the state of the enemy aviation grouping (this is especially true for the Luftwaffe.) The fact is that the air forces of the German Air Force were very often used as" fire brigades ". in a matter of days, if not the clock, operational direction to another. Therefore, the data that is relevant yesterday, today could no longer correspond to the current situation.
Supply of aviation provisions, the 6th Army Paulus.

Supply of aviation provisions, the 6th Army Paulus.

"To ensure the encircled troops of the 6th Field Army and the connections of the 4th Panzer Army with ammunition, fuel, food, medicines and other necessary supplies, the German command began to arrange the transfer of the necessary cargoes by air by air and transport aircraft and bomber aircraft.
American weekly The Time about the victory at Stalingrad

American weekly The Time about the victory at Stalingrad

On December 14, 1942, the American weekly The Time wrote about the transfer of Soviet troops to the counteroffensive at Stalingrad:
Fighting on the Myshkova river, Stalingrad

Fighting on the Myshkova river, Stalingrad

It was on Myshkove.Lev Larin, a leading researcher of the Museum-Reserve "Battle of Stalingrad"
The Stalingrad Madonna

The Stalingrad Madonna

A drawing of German military physician Kurt Roiber, executed by coal on the reverse side of the Soviet topographic map...
December 12, 1942, Operation Wintergewitter (German Wintergewitter - Winter Storm)

December 12, 1942, Operation Wintergewitter (German Wintergewitter - Winter Storm)

The chronicle of the Soviet counter-offensive at Stalingrad ... On the morning of December 12, 1942, the German army group "Goth" launched an offensive. Operation "Winter storm" has begun.
Poplar in the centre of Volgograd

Poplar in the centre of Volgograd

The tree survived the battle of Stalingrad is still growing in Volgograd
Directive No 203974 of the Supreme Command of the Red Army

Directive No 203974 of the Supreme Command of the Red Army

Directive No 203974 of the Supreme Command of the Red Army was issued on the strengthening of Stalingrad by combat equipment and weapons
Operation "Winter storm"

Operation "Winter storm"

The chronicle of the Soviet counter-offensive at Stalingrad ... On the morning of December 12, 1942, the German army group "Goth" launched an offensive. Operation "Winter storm" has begun.
The air battles over Stalingrad

The air battles over Stalingrad

The chronicle of the Soviet counter-offensive at Stalingrad ... On the morning of December 12, 1942, the German army group "Goth" launched an offensive. Operation "Winter storm" has begun.
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